Eyelid Surgery
Chemical Peels
Endoscopic Browlift
Fat Transfers to Face
Fat transfers to cheeks, nasolabial folds, lips and lower eyelid- cheek junction
Endoscopic Browlift
Fat Transfers to Face
Fat transfers to cheeks, nasolabial folds, lips and lower eyelid- cheek junction
Eyelid Surgery
Transconjunctival lower blepharoplasties (removal of lower eyelid fat from incision made on inside of lower eyelid with no visible scar on outside)
Eyelid Surgery
Fat Transfers to Face
2 weeks following secondary facelift, neck lift, lower blepharoplasty, lateral canthopexy and fat transfers to the face
Fat Transfers to Face
2 weeks following secondary facelift, neck lift, lower blepharoplasty, lateral canthopexy and fat transfers to the face
Eyelid Surgery
57 year old female 17 days following facelift, necklift, upper blepharoplasty, fat transfers to cheeks, tear troughs, nasolabial folds, Marionette lines and lips and 35% TCA peel of face.
Eyelid Surgery
65yo female 2 months following mini- facelift, upper blepharoplasty, 35% TCA peel and fat transfers to face (tear troughs/ lower eyelid grooves, cheeks, nasolabial folds, lips, chin and jawline.
Eyelid Surgery
66yo female shown 4 weeks after facelift/ necklift with platysmaplasty and SMAS lift, upper blepharoplasty, fat transfers to face and 35% TCA peel
Eyelid Surgery
2 months following bilateral upper eyelid Asian blepharoplasty to define creases and correct asymmetry
Eyelid Surgery
6 weeks following Asian upper blepharoplasty to create eyelid creases and remove excess upper eyelid skin.
Eyelid Surgery
68yo female shown 2 weeks following secondary facelift & necklift with platysmaplasty and SMAS lift, fat transfers to face, upper blepharoplasty and 35% TCA peel.
Eyelid Surgery
6 weeks follow removal of lower eyelid bags and fat transfers to cheeks with 35% TCA peel.