Breast Reduction Hawaii
While many women choose surgery because they want to enlarge their breasts, there are a number of women who would like to do exactly the opposite. For these women, overly large breasts are causing physical and emotional discomfort ranging from unwanted attention to back pain and skin irritation. The surgery that can alleviate these symptoms, breast reduction, has helped many Hawaii women look and feel much better.
The surgeon at Hawaii Plastic Surgery Institute, Dr. Bao L. Phan, has worked with many women and recognizes the ways that your overly large breasts affect your life. You will be relieved to find that their warm manner and the welcoming atmosphere of his practice will help to make your breast reduction a very rewarding experience.
To learn more about breast augmentation, you can schedule an appointment online or contact us by phone or email.
Reasons for Considering Breast Reduction
A well-proportioned figure looks beautiful and natural. It’s a goal that Dr. Phan strives for in every procedure that they perform, but especially in breast reduction. On Maui and the other Hawaiian islands, women with overly large breasts know that the cosmetic concerns are just the beginning. Women may also suffer from back, neck or shoulder pain, skin irritation, and discomfort from bra straps digging into skin. Even something as simple as going for a jog or engaging in other physical activity may be uncomfortable.
Breast reduction can bring your breasts back into proportion with the rest of your body, freeing you from discomfort, eliminating self-consciousness, and allowing you to enjoy activities that have previously been unpleasant.
General Procedure
At our practice, breast reduction is usually performed using Total IV Anesthesia (TIVA) with the aid of experienced anesthesia professionals. The use of TIVA results in several benefits for our patients: reduced post-operative pain, reduced risk of blood clots in the legs, lower incidence of post-operative nausea and vomiting, and avoidance of “hangover” effects.
Incisions will be made either around the Areola, around the Areola and down to the breast crease, or as an “inverted T” or “anchor-shaped” incision. For extremely large breasts, the nipple and areola may need to be removed and placed in a new location although, more often, the nipple will remain attached to its original blood supply. Excess skin and tissue will be removed and the breast will be reshaped. Internal sutures will support your new breast shape.
Recovery Process
Our practice strives to make your recovery in Hawaii after breast surgery as pleasant as possible. During the initial recovery period, patients flying in from other islands often choose to stay in our private bungalows, located right across the street from the Maui surgery center. What most patients experience is swelling and tenderness, fading over the course of a few weeks. Incision lines will fade over time, but some slight scarring may be permanent.
Giving yourself time to recover and following your surgeon’s instructions after surgery will ensure that you get the best possible results from your breast reduction. After recovery is complete, you will find that your breasts are smaller, perkier, and in better balance with the rest of your figure. You may also feel more confident, experience less pain or discomfort, and find a new enjoyment in physical activity.